C.N. Copeland Electrical Services offer professional electrical wiring services to home and business owners in Knoxville and the surrounding counties. Electrical wiring in systems differs greatly given their various uses. Having said that, the basics of wiring something are not that difficult to comprehend.
Wiring is the insulated conductor which transports electrical power. The wire which is used in a building like a home or a factory is known as building wire. The wire inside a piece of equipment is generally referred to as equipment wire. Wire is measured simply by its diameter. This measurement is recognized as the wire gauge. Wire gauge runs in opposite numerical order. In other words, the larger the gauge number, the smaller the wire diameter.
Electrical wiring is controlled by strict codes set up by the National Electric Code. Electrical codes started in the 1880’s at the same time the very first considerable wiring was being carried out. In 1897, the National Fire Protection Association set up the National Electric Code (NEC). The National Fire Protection Association was a band of Insurance companies which were worried about the potential danger inherent in defective electrical wiring. They had cause for concern. Very early wire had been bare or coated with cloth. There was very little understanding of the necessity for insulation.
C.N. Copeland Electrical Services provides electrical wiring services in Knoxville and the surrounding counties. Contact us today to set up an appointment.
The NEC is used together with local, country, and State codes which strictly control electrical wiring. The codes are involved with proper size of wire along with insulation. Factors which are considered are the anticipated load, the frequency of adjustments, and also the nature of the environment where the wire is needed. Homes have little loads, sporadic modifications along with a very non-corrosive setting. Commercial establishments are generally in the middle. The load demands are often higher, and modifications are not sporadic. The factory or industrial site features a high demand. Modifications are regular, and the environment is usually very unstable.
Materials utilized in wire have varied over time. Copper has always been the very first choice since it is such a great conductor and is really flexible. In the 1960 to 1970’s, aluminum wire shot to popularity because of the rising cost of copper. Insulation was generally rubber even though rubber tended to rust because of contact with moisture and air. PVC compounds are now used most often as wire insulation. Insulation is made in various colors to identify wiring circuits within a system.
Our certified electricians know that electrical wiring has given rise to numerous connectors. The place where a wire is connected to another wire or attaches to a device is the point where there is the most risk of a spark. It is crucial that connections are safe and sound. Insulated plastic wire nuts are utilized to connect two wires. There are also specific tools utilized by electricians to handle the installation of wiring. A good example is the combination wire cutter and stripper. The stripper can be used to get rid of the insulating material from the end of the wire so that the bare wire could be connected.
Please contact C.N. Copeland Electrical Services for more information about electrical wiring in Knoxville & surrounding counties. We look forward to hearing from you soon!